Little London Adventures & Cockney Curiosities
Book 1- uncovering the hidden stories of old East London.
Moody cinimatic City landscapes and street photography
Hardback book Royal Size
By Award winning Artist & Author Clare Newton.
Sometimes curiosities are sitting right under one’s nose. But even more peculiar, are the stories of old, passed down by family members, all sitting round a log fire and then into some crazy book such as this. Artist and photographer Clare takes you on a bizarre and hidden journey – cycling in and out the city gates then up and down her ‘easel’, mixing stories with latter-day visions of life, that often become invisible, amongst the bustle of the city’s existence. This journey compares today’s London to its bemusing roots with written historical trinkets, simply to amuse you too.
This little book is not so much a picture book of where the events occurred, as this might be seen as a bit of a cliché. But rather an artist's journey of discovery of what lays under the surface of East London and its hidden photogenic gems. The photographs are more a study about how contemporary regeneration, knits itself into the fabric of London’s historical past. And whether the new architecture and historic relics can compliment each other or abruptly jar against one another. The artist invites you to join in the adventures and also discover the illusive magic, that lingers amongst the City’s ghostly shadows.
Copyright © 2019 CLNewton
All rights reserved. First Published April 2019
ISBN 978-1-912951-01-7
Published by
About the book 15 Stories 63 Photographs (15 Spreads) 101 pages
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